The Maine Chapter of the Freedom From Religion Foundation is a welcoming group of skeptics, freethinkers, atheists, humanists, liberals, and other infidels who actively support the separation of religion and government. We testify on bills that affect human rights, write the monthly column “In Reason We Trust,” published in the Kennebec Journal and the Morning Sentinel, and bring nationally known speakers to Maine.
Katherine Stewart has also published in numerous outlets and published the books The Good News Club: The Christian Right’s Stealth Assault on America’s Children and The Power Worshippers: Inside the Dangerous Rise of Religious Nationalism. The documentary film God & Country that came out last year was based on The Power Worshippers.
In Money, Lies, and God, Stewart creates what she fittingly calls “a collection of dispatches from the front lines of the current assault on American democracy.” It is chilling, but finishes with suggestions for a path forward.
For additional information please contact:
Ray Vensel, President, Maine Chapter of the Freedom From Religion Foundation
Phone: 207-370-8813
Email: President.RV@ffrfmaine.org
The Maine Chapter of the Freedom From Religion Foundation is the only Atheist organization in Maine that works to defend your freedom from religion. The chapter writes the monthly column “In Reason We Trust,” published in the Kennebec Journal and the Morning Sentinel. You can also connect with the chapter on Facebook (https://ffrfmaine.org).
Help support the national effort to combat Christian nationalists, become a national FFRF member by clicking on the link below:
We invite you to support your values on the local level by becoming a chapter member or renewing your membership by clicking on the PayPal Donate button or scanning the PayPal QR Code below
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